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Sometimes we offer online course. You find them below…

Think less, feel more.
Be free to move fluently, healthy and efficient.
Breathing, stance, footwork, guards, cuts and thrust in one fluent drill. We progress step by step from simple to complex, from slow to fast.
Wednesday 19:00 – 20:15 (UTC: 5:00 – 06:15 PM)
07.04 | 14.04 | 21.04 | 28.04
Trainer: Ingulf Popp-Kohlweiss
Equipment: Longsword
Level: Beginner and Experienced
Price: 40€ 20€ First time bonus

Meyer’s Cross
Merge cuts into cut-combinations.
Move effortlessly from one cut to the next and fluently attack all four openings.
Breathing and strength generation from whole body. Oberhau (Cut from above) and Unterhau (Cut from below) with long and short edge as well as flat. Meyer’s cut-combinations of four.
Coordination of cuts and footwork. Feints (Verzucken) and variations. We progress from simple and slow exercises to fast, free and creative implementations.
Wednesday 19:00 – 20:15 (UTC: 5:00 – 06:15 PM)
05.05 | 12.05 | 19.05 | 26.05
Trainer: Ingulf Popp-Kohlweiss
Equipment: Longsword
Level: Beginner and Experienced
Price: 40€